Mark Sprague

Mark Sprague, Incumbent


I have worked for the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas, The Community Action Program of Northeast Kansas, with Adolescents at the Menninger Foundation and the Villages. I also ran my own Handyman/Remodeling business. I was elected to the City Council of Whiting, KS and served 8 years as treasurer for the Rural Water District #2 of Jefferson Co.

I was elected to The Merc Board of Directors in 2010, giving me a deep knowledge of the responsibilities involved with this position. As a former President, Vice President, and Treasurer I have been more than willing to provide whatever is needed to the organization.

My wife, Mickey Hanna, and I have lived most of our life in the country. Cooperatives have been important part of that life. We have been members of 3 phone and 2 electric coops. We worked at a farmers coop for a short while. We have also shopped at The Merc since it opened in 1974 as well as the Topeka Food Coop. It is where we purchased organic food when nobody else provided it.

I believe The Merc is an important part of out community. It allows us to leverage the dollars we spend to support local producers in a way that is kinder to the environment and supports the employees through livable wages. It is also allowing us to address food access and justice through our new store in Kansas City, KS.